All Things Telesales
If the Phone is Your Weapon, then THIS is YOUR Podcast! We’re a tribe of Telesales professionals who believe in Compassion Before Commission. We’re empowering the call coaching experience by starting with the person in sales “person.” When we take care of the person, the calls take care of themselves. Powered by Balto.ai
All Things Telesales
EP 67 - Dan Pfister - Strategic Winback
If you're like most businesses, you lose about half of your clients every 4 years and the COVID crisis has dramatically accelerated the rate of loss for many of us.
The good news is that these past clients represent your single best opportunity to rapidly generate significant new sales at an extremely low cost.
Here's why ...
1. Easier to Engage
You can engage a past client with only 1 - 3 touches while it takes at least 7 times that number to engage a regular prospect. (Fanatical Prospecting)
2. Easier to Convert
Past clients convert up to 8 times better than regular prospects. (Marketing Metrics)
3. More Valuable
Reactivated clients buy more, refer more and are more loyal than first time clients.
And reactivating clients generates serious revenue.
The average WinBack Campaign generates $485K for small businesses, and millions for larger organizations. (Client WinBack Benchmark Study)
Also, the cost of winning back past clients is extremely low which means the ROI is very high, 32x, or more is common.
That’s why companies like Netflix include WinBack in their sales playbook.
Unfortunately, they are the exception. Relatively few companies have a structured WinBack strategy and that means a lot of money is being left on the table.
A little about Dan the Winback Man…
I’ve been a marketer for over 20 years and have spent thousands of hours testing and implementing a wide variety of strategies.
In total, they’ve generated over 50,000 customers and have allowed me to work with brands like Fidelity Investments and Tony Robbins.
The most effective strategy in terms of ROI and sales I’ve ever implemented is WinBack. I see WinBack as our reward for all the blood, sweat, and tears we’ve put out into growing our customer bases.
That’s why I’ve made it my mission to spread the word about this overlooked and under-appreciated sales opportunity.
It’s also the reason why I conducted the Client WinBack Benchmark Study. (Marketers needed up to date benchmarks on the value of WinBack and now we have them.)
This episode of the podcast was brought to you by Balto, the #1 Real-time Guidance platform. Powered by AI, Balto gives sales reps recommendations during their phone calls so they can sell more and get to the next level. Managers get data that shows them what’s working and what’s not so they can give their reps even better coaching. Balto helps sales reps, trainers, and managers become their best.
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